Friday, July 2, 2010

New atheists embody the very things they hate - PAUL PRATHER -

This story made it to the front page of digg and at the moment has 2017 diggs and 1356 comments.

New atheists embody the very things they hate - PAUL PRATHER -
I'm equally intrigued by the online comments that follow every news story online about religion; the responses seem to come disproportionately from readers who jeer at all references to God or piety.
Only 2 percent of U.S. adults are atheists, the Trinity study found. Still, by another estimate I saw, that's three times the percentage of avowed atheists 20 years ago.
My objection to the new atheists isn't that they're atheists. It's that they strike me as hypocrites...
I wish these atheists would venture, say, into a seminary library.
If the new atheists are as bright as they claim, they ought not imitate the worst traits of the very people they consider their inferiors.

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