Thursday, October 28, 2010

Science Trumps the Bible? — An Amazingly Candid (and Disastrous) Argument

Can there be a third way? I'm still wating for John Lennox to finish his book about this: – Science Trumps the Bible? — An Amazingly Candid (and Disastrous) Argument:
At this point, Giberson’s argument gets really interesting — and really dangerous. “I am happy to concede that science does indeed trump religious truth about the natural world,” Giberson writes. “Galileo and Darwin showed this only too clearly, even if it is completely lost on Ken Ham and Al Mohler.”
In the economy of a few words, Giberson throws the Bible under the scientific bus. We should be thankful that his argument is so clear, for it puts the case for theistic evolution in its proper light — as a direct attack upon biblical authority.

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