Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My thoughts on the CJ fiasco

Another summary of the C.J. situation. Some guy didn't like how the church handled his case, so he leak 600 emails online to convince anyone that he was wronged. My thoughts on the CJ fiasco | The Cripplegate:
The main accuser, Brent Detwiler, put out over 600 pages of emails interspersed with his own commentary to make those points. I have read much of those 600 pages, and let me save you some time by telling you this: 1. Don’t waste your time. These things have been downloaded 55,000 times, and I feel sorry for anyone who has read more than 10 pages of them; 2. There is no smoking gun. Strip away all of the commentary and whining, and you are left with a picture of a pastor who is running an organization, and some associates who feel slighted.

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