Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Preaching that Cuts to the Heart

Some good advice from Keller. Don't try and be smart, instead aim for the heart. Preaching that Cuts to the Heart – The Gospel Coalition Blog:
"So it would be a mistake to merely imitate any preacher who makes a lot of cultural references in his sermons. In many parts of the world, citing Kierkegaard is not all that unusual, and if done rightly can lead people to say, "Oh, so that's why I tend to think and feel that way." That's what you want to achieve. But in many other parts of the world it might only make people say, "Wow, he's really intellectual and smart." If that latter response is what you get from people (or worse yet, what you want from them) then you need to make some changes. The universal principle is found in Acts 2:37—preaching must "cut to the heart." The means and methods we take to get to that end depend a lot on, well, your culture."

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