Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Vaclav Havel, Christopher Hitchens, and Kim Jong Il

Is there a reward/justice/judgement/anything after death, or do we get away with anything and everything? Vaclav Havel, Christopher Hitchens, and Kim Jong Il:
We often say, when someone passes away, that they have "gone to their reward." But given atheism, what is that reward exactly? It is exactly the same for Havel, Hitchens, and Kim Jong Il. All three have now entered into nothingness, which is to say that, given atheism, there are no rewards for anything -- good, bad or anywhere in the middle.

Havel was an anti-communist hero, Hitchens was a courageous but infidel journelist, and Kim Jong Il was a murderous and genocidal thug. They all graduated from this class called earth, and they all got exactly the same grade. Is that justice?

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