This idea made be old, but it is a good one:
J. C. Ryle’s Evangelistic Strategy:
Bishop Ryle’s evangelistic strategy was not rocket science, just good biblical common sense. Faced by a vast population unreached with the Christian message, he sought to multiply the number of Christian workers engaged in front-line evangelism. These workers were to be deployed aggressively, in defiance of the parish system if necessary, so that no community was deprived of the opportunity to hear the gospel. The workers must do the right work, which is proclamation, and not be distracted by less urgent concerns. And they must proclaim the right message, which is the glorious news of Jesus Christ crucified. It was not a complex or innovative strategy, but the tried and tested approach of apostles,reformers and evangelical preachers throughout previous generations.The bishop was convinced from Scripture and history that this was still the only God-ordained means by which the people of Liverpool diocese would be rescued eternally