Friday, August 19, 2011

John MacArthur Drops the Booze Bomb

A very healthy response to John MacArthur on drinking, written by some guy who also wrote "What would Jesus Drink?" which has been endorsed by Doug Wilson. This post might have swayed me, it's long but a good read: John MacArthur Drops the Booze Bomb |
In order to nip these YRR hops in the bud, MacArthur first tries the old “guilt-by-association” trick. He placards every non-conventional or even extreme behavior which a member of the YRR crowd may or may not be associated with, and which may make the whole movement look questionable in the eyes of more traditionally conformist Christians (read, MacArthur’s swiftly graying Baptist and mostly fundamentalist audience)—tattoos, tobacco, and, to use his phrase, “lots of explicit talk about sex.”

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